iPads in Schools

iPad Information Websites, Blogs, and Networks

Image Credit: Teacher's Desk by mortsan on FlickrCC
iPads in the Classoom - A wealth of regularly updated resources and apps curated by Kathy Schrock
Teach with Your iPad

iPad Schools Wiki
iPads in Schools on LiveBinder - This list of resources gets updated regularly
Interesting Ways to Use the IPad in the Classroom
IPads in Education
Pads and Pods
Poddy Training - For iPod Touches in Kndergarten - but great ideas for using iPads as well.
iPad Curriculum
iPad Academy - for higher ed but lots of great tips
Project Based Learning in Hand - A tutorial for creating projects on the iPad by Tony Vincent
Apptivities - Lesson plans for using apps in the classroom
Digital Storytelling with the iPad
IEar - Education Apps Review
Social Networks
iPads4Education - Social Network for iPad Using Educators - Great tips and suggestions
iPadsinEducation - Social Network for iPad Educators